Microworkers.com is a good source to make good money online by doing simple jobs such as liking a Facebook fan page, twitter post, youtube subscribe, writing a article, etc. Following are some jobs and payments which reserve in the Microworkers for the Asian countries. American/European countries have much better prices
Microworkers paying your payments weekly thought Moneybookers and Alertpay. The minimum payment is 9$(+6.5% of their fee). Microwerkers.com is a really legit site and you can earn 1$ just by signing to the site.
Now I’m going to tell you some Microworkers tips and tricks to maximize your earnings.
That’s it. Happy earnings guys!
- FB fan page like 0.10$-0.30$
- FB post 0.15$-0.25$
- Twitter follow 0.10$-0.25$
- Twitter post 0.15$-0.20$
- Youtube Comment+Rate+Subcribe 0.12$
- Youtube Favorite+Rate+Subcribe 0.12$
- Youtube Comment 0.10$
- Youtube account create 0.10$
- Visit website 0.10$-0.12$
- Download+Install software 0.20$-0.80$
- Google + 0.10$
- Digg 0.10$
- Diggo 0.10$
- Reddit 0.10$
- Delicious 0.10$
- Stumbleupone 0.10$
- PR1 link/Blog post 0.50$-0.75$
- PR2 link/Blog post 0.75$-1.25$
- PR3 link/Blog post 1.25$-2.50$
- PR4 link/Blog post 2.50$-5.00$
- Forum post 0.10$-0.20$
- Comment 0.10$-0.20$
- Yahoo answer 0.20$-0.40$
- Email submit 0.10$
- Sign up 0.10$-0.20$
Microworkers paying your payments weekly thought Moneybookers and Alertpay. The minimum payment is 9$(+6.5% of their fee). Microwerkers.com is a really legit site and you can earn 1$ just by signing to the site.
Now I’m going to tell you some Microworkers tips and tricks to maximize your earnings.
- When you add your home address, be sure to enter it correctly. Because Microworkers staff send you a verification code by post to your home address. This verification code is a must to withdraw your earnings (only for 1st withdraw). When you enter a home address, you can’t edit it again.
- Don’t use proxies to register on enter to the Microworkers.com. If you use proxy, your account will be banned permanently.
- Always pay attention to your temporary success rate. If your temporary success rate goes bellow 75% you can’t do jobs until it raise to 75%. It will raise, when the employers are rate your jobs.
- Make a new email account. So you can be aware from spam.
- Create new accounts from following sites and complete the profile (upload a picture,etc..)
Youtube, Google plus,Digg,Diggo,Reddit Delicious and Stumbleupone. - Create a yahoo answer account and increase account’s level to 2.
- Create a Facebook account with 350 friends and create a Twitter account with 100 followers.
- Create some accounts with 20 posts in big forums (grater Alexa rank than 100000)
- Make a blog with following requirements
Greater PR (PR1,PR2,PR3,PR4), grater Alexa rank than 100000,Top level TLD (.com, .info, .org, .net……) - Make some fresh youtube and google account. So you can submit those account details to youtube and gmail account creating jobs.
- Read the job description carefully. If you can’t understand job requirements, don’t do the job. Because misrated jobs directly cause to success rate.
- Always do a ongoing tasks such as 50/200 and don’t do a job like 199/200 .
- Copy and past following details to a notepad. Because these detail always need as a profs.
FB/ Twitter/ Youtube/G+ display name, FB/ Twitter/ Youtube/G+ profile URL - If the FB, Youtube, Google plus or Twitter jobs appeared, first of all submit the profs and do the jobs.
That’s it. Happy earnings guys!
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